I thought my idea was just gonna be cool and vague enough for you to go, "Okay, let me roll this----Rog, you win. Game over. Congratulations."
What the hell did Rabbo unintentionally set in motion? I was there, I don't remember setting anything in motion unintentionally. Did Rabbo shit in someone's petunias? If so, I could see how that could turn to the good eventually.
I didn't mean to indicate that a tournament would be like the arena, as in "it doesn't matter what happens here," but as in "it will be fun to do some things that might not be expected to end our lives if we screw up a little bit." I understand that Rabbo couldn't whip out the stars and lop some poor bastard's head off cuz he gets knocked off a horse in a joust. Well, he could, but there might be some repercussions for that!
To answer your questions and concerns:
A. The note says something like but not necessarily exactly the same as what I will write next! :D So, in any of the really vague or wrong parts, just change them to do what I want to happen. Thanks!
In elvish and common: "Queen of the Fairies: Friends of Driel at the Invisible School and the Crystal Keep wish to help you. Here is some food, water, potions of healing and health, a way out of your prison, and possibly a way to communicate, (we will be watching) if you are able. Please use these gifts if you can. We need your strength, and your people need your strength, now more than ever."
A.1: I only want to include "friends of Driel" as a way to authenticate the message for the Queen, unless calling ourselves "friends of Driel" will piss her off for some reason---so, I would ask Eyar if doing that would be a good idea. Otherwise, I will simply identify myself.
B. I have rethought this idea. We don't have to send the remaining ink, or quill and paper. We can send her a bunch of stuff using the ink, with a couple of magical ways to escape, and leave it at that. The school still gets to research the remaining ink and quill, and she gets a message and a means of survival/escape. Here is the problem, though. If she wanted to escape, she probably could have already, or if she is being barred from escape, our magical solutions are probably less powerful than hers, and would probably fail. Rabbo received one God Question way back which indicated that she wasn't necessarily being held against her will. Our recent vision of our future made it seem that she still had possession of her wand. Which means she is might be choosing to stay in prison for a reason. Perhaps her captors are threatening her or her people in some way which makes staying in captivity a better alternative for her. Perhaps it's one of those situations like the ruby slippers---even the queen of spiders can't touch the fairie wand as long as the fairie queen lives, but she can't can't kill the fairie queen while the wand is in her possession, either. Fairie queen wishes to spare her people outright slaughter and buys them time by agreeing to be held, but allowing her people to run. Fairie queen knows that we will do everything we can to keep her alive. Fairie queen might actually be waiting there to HELP US when the time comes against the queen of the spiders. See, DM, I have thought this through...
BUT, if we can't meet the strength of magic with strength of magic, perhaps we can do something small, which will extend her life, or something small, which may give her a means of escape that could thwart the spider queen's plans.
C and D. I was thinking about using what we have to supply her with approximately 100 HP of healing, one potion of health, and a scroll or scrolls with several spells, which I am going to have to ask for the school's help with (i.e., asking any and all who might know more than me the nature of fairie magic), perhaps a polymorph potion, gaseous form, and/or speed potion, perhaps spells like protection from evil, teleport, dispel magic, wind walk, I frankly am not sure, and would ask for help before I came up with a final list of stuff to include. So, I am not sure about this, and want the school's and Eyar's and anybody else's help with that. I'm just the idea guy here. You can't expect me to figure out how to make this work, can you? I'm not sure how much cost the school will incur, since we have most of that stuff in our booty. But, we will make what we need, and pay the Deans IN BLOOD! or coins, whichever they prefer....
E. Yes, I knew when I wrote that I was going to get some shit. Yes, Fairie Chow was what I was thinking. No, what I was thinking was either some food that we know is native to the area, or some other food which we can reasonably expect to be edible by her---honey, nectar, water, sweetbread, and a big haunch of unicorn, or head of centaur. Well, everything except the last one or two. The point is, make it holy, make it pure, make it natural, make it vegetarian, and we should be okay. Along with that, we should include some fresh grass and maybe a flower, something pretty, to keep her spirits up.
F and G. Screw the instructions on using the magic mail. Follow the new idea outlined in point B above. Do not include a means to magic mail back. The potential problem with using magic mail with instructions is that if it fell into the wrong hands, then the enemy would have instructions on how to gift wrap a big ball of shit right to our doorstep, and I don't want that.
Blog Archive
Wednesday, March 18, 2009
In the Interim (Spring 2009) Elucidate the Plan...
In the Interim (Spring 2009) Regarding Postage
I want to throw a monkey wrench in the gears, however. First, I have an idea which should work, which I want to run by you like we did several months back, when we were corresponding between games. Ethan's magic mail has two uses left. I suggest that since we know where the Fairie Queen is, we send her a note, including the remaining magic ink, with the quill and additional paper. Include in that note, potions of healing, potions of health, a scroll of protection, recall, or teleportation, fairie food and blessed water. We give her instructions on how to use the magic mail, and ask her to either use what we have given her to escape, or to send us instructions on what do to help her. If she were desperate enough, she could even use the magic mail to mail herself and/or the wand to any place she could address. I think we should act on the Fairie Queen's situation with all haste. After the last questions we asked, it was clear she was only hanging on by a thread. I don't think we would wait until after a party to do this, if it will work. I would use all of my luck to influence any probability that when we send it, she is alone.
So, can we say we do that, and then work on the repercussions after the fun and games for the party?
So OK, get all that data to me and we can say that it is done the night before the festival. And so it was written.... "As the party waited for any response, they used the celebration to distract their worried minds."