Blog Archive

Thursday, April 3, 2008

The First Post...

Good day, everyone (and by everyone, I mean next to no one). I decided I would set up a blog for all of those who have ever participated in the D&D campaign we have affectionately dubbed the Crystal Quest. Starting over 20 years ago, more like 25, our DM began this game with some of his friends in his hometown. The game continued with a changed cast of characters when he first started college, and then changed again several times. However, the story, the over-arcing plot, has remained essentially unchanged for this time. People have dipped in and dipped out, but the story has continued. I am still playing a game I started in 1987 (granted, there were some very large breaks in between).

I hope you like the game and the story, and if you were involved in any way, I hope this brings back fond memories. For those who have played, I say to you, "Black Hand, Black Hand!" I know you are laughing now.



The Crystal Keep said...

Truth be told, I did start the game in Highschool, but that was like a beta version.

This current running game started in 1985 with the first players:
Felix Fingers & Gilden the elf.


Anonymous said...


I have a better copy of the map that I have cleaned up somwhat. It is an on going process over he years. I will send it soon.