I appreciate the list of STUFF to do and SHIT to do. As far as the stuff to do: since time is of the essence in the matter of Immer, we should send a diplomatic delegation led by Alexander (with and appropriate retinue of soldiers and staff) through the mirror, to the school, from the school as quickly as possible to the kingdom of Immer. Call in Immer's debt to us, if possible, and explain the situation. "Now is the time for beings of conscience to come together and help others against the rising tide of evil," or some shit like that. Also, helping the Elves helps themselves. Do they really want to be a kingdom sandwiched between a land of goblins on one side and drow and kobolds on the other? It would just be a matter of time before they were fighting two wars on two very long borders. By giving the elves safe haven, they give themselves a rear guard. So, the trick on the part of Immer will be to make the elves feel like its the Immerites asking for the help, (but all the while knowing it was the other way around...) In the course of making this happen, we also need to suggest that we begin a diplomatic mission to Immer to normalize trade relations, and would invite them to do the same in our kingdom. So, before we begin this crazy plan, I need to know a good estimate of time to get our diplomatic mission up to Immer's King.
Also, we can send another diplomatic mission to Muetar, led by Adam Kelly to pitch the idea of a road for trade and for our mutual safety. Muetar is facing possible threats up North from three areas, as far as I can see--drow and kobold to the Northwest, goblins to the North, and a certain evil bastard in a tower to the Northeast. It is just a matter of time before those powers move. Before that happens, a road will enable us to both become stronger economically, and to trade goods which we will both benefit from. And once it happens, a road will enable us to move aid and help our neighbor to the north. Also, if the lepers overcome Shucassam, we will be facing the same threat to the south as they do from the north. It is in both of our interests to build a road. We also would like to establish a diplomatic mission in their country and invite them to do the same with us.
We should send a diplomatic mission to Shucassam, seeking an audience with the ruling family to establish a diplomatic presence, and to offer help to our neighbor to the south. Perhaps Peter can lead this mission.
Also, we need to develop a coat of arms or a seal or symbol that is immediately recognizable as coming from our kingdom. I think a simple graphic which features the sword of law, the united crystals, and the tree emblazoned with light would do it. We need to get a jeweler working on the that, and create signets that all of our "royal" and diplomatic staff can wear. Also, banners, flags, etc., pronto.
Now, the SHIT to do:
Given the right amount of time, we can plan how to get a small party or an individual to the location we need in Elfland. I don't want to make the mission too complex, but I have some ideas about that, but it will depend on some god questions. Such as: Is Centaur Island overrun and the faries scattered? Is there a stronghold left of elven/fairy power: where is it? Are the green box, cube and crystals together? Meaning, are they in close proximity to each other? If the answer is yes, then I will use a variety of questions to find out how they are guarded or protected. I will attempt to ascertain the location, the way I used to with god questions and dimension walking. We will need some help from the school, like some potions of invisibility, for example, and also some healing potions. Maybe even a mid-level M-U who feels like dying. Also, I want to find out more information about the Queen, like is she close to our stuff, how is she bound, is she bound, would she leave if we came to get her? If we can ascertain this kind of information, then it might be that we could stage a rescue mission (for our stuff and for the queen) and at the same time, have part of the party attempt to contact the Faeries on Centaur Island or wherever the fairy stronghold might be (if one exists). Then, we could coordinate getting the queen and her subjects to safety. Besides me blowing these questions, we might also want to encourage the school to perform some scrying for us to help answer some of these questions, too, and also see if there are any clerics who might be able to find out this information. I am convinced if we have to fight either on the way in or out of the mires, we will die. We absolutely have to sneak in, grab our shit, and go. Ideally, we grab all three things. Ideally, we also grab the queen. Not ideally, we grab the cube. Then the green box. Then the crystals. Then the queen.
After that is done, I want to use god questions to locate little Alex, and murder him in his sleep:D
If we can get our old cube back, we won't need to go through any of the plans to untimestop the other cube. However, we should still commit to finding Gorson, and securing some potions and other shit he might be "willing" to part with.
Also, there is a closet of forbidden things? A closet of forbidden things? I need to know, what else is in that closet? Perhaps there are some things like this well of many worlds that were once forbidden, but now may be a fucking okay. Is there a pantry of evil dry goods? I am earnestly asking the Deans of the school to let us know what they've got, good or bad. Now is not the time for secrets.
Also, as the "stars" fell out of the sky, did any of them survive impact? We might be able to salvage shit from them still. Also, another time, I want to talk to you about the map itself---all of the lakes look like craters. If they are, then eventually we should investigate what is at the bottom of them. The plane itself is created----artificial. This we know. We need to find out who created it. Perhaps Alexander knows some of these answers.
Stuff todo:
Note: There are currently only 30 horses available at the keep.
Now the Shit todo list:
1. Planning for Elfland is good. As you seem to need many questions answered (the school is willing to help if it can, just ask), this will take some time since you only get 5 a week. In the meanwhile, the school will urge you to go for the potion of permanency first. If it can be obtained, the cube has a GOOD possibility of being opened and you get your crap back. It would be MOST wise to enter the depths of Drowland when you are loaded for bear. Remember, 1 in 4 Drow are spellcasters. A merger of the two plans seems to be needed. Ask what questions you can for this limited time, go through the well for a short time, come back and ask more questions. Although we cant do it in this forum, do make up a list of questions and have it ready next time we play. We will deal with it first and calculate time based on other activities until you get more question.
2. Little Alex's murder. No problem there, except you will be advised that there are more pressing problems at the current time. Like the lepers.
3. Call me silly, but finding a MU that is maybe crazy and probably evil and trying to get some potions off him seems a little easier than trying to sneak behind enemy lines of a Drow/Kobol army. True, if you get the old cube back you wont need to untimestop the other, but if you untimestop this one it will make it a HELL of a lot easier to get the other old stuff back! Naked in the trenches so you can go shopping loaded for bear.... OR... Barter naked so you can suit up and take on the underdark. Really. One does seem better than the other doesn't it?
4. The closet of forbidden things is mainly filled with stuff better left out of the hands of men. Most of the stuff is cursed and unusable, but some may not be. All inventory records have been lost, as well as all past caretakers. The school is currently doing some research into the contents. There is a new vision at the school and NOTHING is being viewed in the same light. But then again, its just not wise to hand out a ring of contrariness or Gauntlets of fumbling. As things are discovered you will be informed as needed. Note: Jerik we housed here for several hundred years. As a MU slayer, you can understand why.
5. Very few of the "stars" survived impact in a state of crystallization Most disintegrated Those that held together were not usable for anything other than pretty crystals. The lakes look that way because they were formed during the cataclysm when the land virtually flipped over and mountains became seas and seas became oceans... bla, bla, bla. And unfortunately Ambassador Alexander is but a physical shell used by the god of the same name. Now that the god is virtually no more, the shell knows little more than you do on what went on before his creation.
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Monday, May 5, 2008
In the Interim
(Spring 2008)
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In the Interim (Spring 2008)
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