I have been thinking about our timestopped cube. I think there are possibly several solutions that are within our grasp. First, it may be possible that a 3rd level dispel magic spell may dispel this spell-like effect. In the handbook, it says that the dispel magic effect won't affect artifacts or relics, but might affect some of their spell-like powers. I think it is possible that the highest level m-u's at the school can and should attempt to dispel the magic effect of timestop, several, several times. Sure they may have to roll a 20, considering the m-u level differences, but given enough time, it will happen.
Next, if that doesn't work, they might try an anti-magic shell, (6th level) which will cancel all spells and spell like effects within the shell. Again, it is subject to DM's discretion whether a particular spell-like can be canceled or not.
Next, a limited wish, very specifically worded, could cancel the timestop effect. Essentially, the limited wish power fits the nature of our task well---we need a very small, very specific element of reality changed---we need simply stop the timestop function. If indeed the cube is treated like an artifact, and is untouched by dispel magic or anti-magic shell, then it becomes more likely that a limited wish would be a good bet---by design, they can only be used to change small things effectively, or to changed durations, or or or.
However, if that doesn't work, then a couple of 9th level spells probably will: Wish, or timestop. Wish, obviously, can permanently reset elements of reality. Timestop, cast on the timestopped cube, I think, will have the effect of allowing the cube to actually reach infinity and deactivate. Timestop inside would be cancelled by timestop outside. Again, if the cube is an artifact, then I think it would survive any major effects.
Although I keep talking about the cube as if its an artifact, I am under the impression that the cube is not an artifact for several reasons: One, it was affected by magical fields, when other bonafide artifacts, such as the Wand of Orcus, was not; Two, previously, cubes have been damaged and/or destroyed by relatively normal means. Artifacts are usually tougher than that. Cubes have been misused and not functioned correctly. Artifacts usually do their thing regardless.
Cubes seem like very powerful devices, but not artifacts. Even if they are artifacts, then it appears that their spell-like effects can be affected by magic. If so, then I think that Dispel Magic should actually do the trick. Rabbo will lend his considerable luck to improving an m-u's ability to successfully cast dispel magic at the die roll needed to dispel. I think we should try that next game.
Also, we need a simple way to bring the cube back to its original size. I'm sure Bes would not stick us with a miniature cube, miniature boat, etc. I am appealing to your rational nature---allowing us access to the Cube, and all the stuff in pop-out is not a "gimme" in this game. Without magic, without access to magic, when we fight even low level magical creatures, we are likely to get our asses handed to us. I can't imagine going on a solo mission to rescue the queen or retrieve the green box/crystals/cube without magic rings, ioun stones, my cloak and weapons. In fact, without a high level cleric, or several potions, scrolls, or wands, I don't want to go outside and take a leak! I don't want to sound like a punk, but I thought we would have access to that stuff.
First, as to weather the cube is an artifact or not. That is a judgment call for you players. It could be, or it could just be a really strong item. It was affected by magical fields, but this is its native plane. Things can work differently on the native planes. The cube was damaged and artifacts are usually tougher. But what about the Machine of Lum The Mad? The Rod of Seven Parts? Dragon Orbs can be shattered. The Ivory Chain of Pao has a 5% per day chance of breaking. True, the cube has malfunctioned at times, but hey! It's damaged! What do you expect? Also, most artifacts have some kind of curse associated with them that can take effect and cause some kind of chaos during play. ...like malfunctioning??? As DM I really cant say at this point as to if it is or is not. I know, I just don't want to tell you. But lets do examine how me might fix the cube at the school.
OK. As discussed some time ago, the timestop function of the cube is NOT like the spell timestop. The cube literally creates a pocket of time outside the normal flow of time and that pocket remains until the time inside of it (and everything else) goes to infinity. The creation is the magic. The pocket is what is created. Here is the problem. When magically reversed, the cube created a pocket of time outside the normal flow of time that didn't flow at all. That pocket will remain until time outside of it (and everything else) goes to infinity. How do we free the cube?
Dispel magic - No. There would have been a chance to dispel the created pocket of time shortly after it was created. Now it is firmly affixed within our reality and can't be dispelled any more that a blade of grass. The pocket itself is not magical nor a spell-like power, but if tested the cube inside (as well as some of Felix's crap) would radiate magic.
Anti-magic shell - No. Same thing The pocket is not magical nor a spell-like power.
A limited wish spell - You would think so. One problem is that MOST MUs shy away from casting this spell as it ages them a full year. Not to worry, the school could be talked into it easily. The problem is that although the spell is designed to change things like "duration," we are dealing with INFINITY here. I think THAT by its very nature negates the "limited" aspect of this. We could easily wish away the entire pocket, but we want the stuff inside. No, this is a MUCH harder problem.
A Wish spell - Now were getting some where. Yes, this could do it. It would age the MU 5 years and more than likely kill him in the process, but it could be done. Creating a pocket of eternity around the cube, or how ever you want to wish this it's all about the same, would prove so stressful on time, space and the frail form of the MU's body he would literally need to give it his all. As this means the loss of an 18+ MU (and probably one of the last remaining deans), lets call this plan B.
Timestop spell - Maybe. The Timestop spell does create the pocket of time we need, but it only exists for its own 1-3 rounds before expiring. It needs to remain forever. Enter the 8th level spell "Permanency". This spell is a MUST for making magic items and crafting charges and such. It also makes some spell effects permanent. The casting time is 2 rounds. That gives us a 66.66% chance of casting the Timestop and then possibly making it permanent. It does lower the MU's constitution by 1 for each casting, but that a hell of a lot better than killing the poor sap as in 4 above. Stepping out of the timestop area would also negate the spell, so the old boy would also need a teleport spell. That would get him out and leave the rest of the spell for the cube. Now, Permanency spells may not always be permanent either. Sometimes they give out after a few thousand years. That's just a drop in the bucket for eternity. SO maybe we can boost that up with the limited wish spell. It MIGHT work. MIGHT! IF permanency works on timestop and IF the MU can get the second spell off in time and IF the limited wish can keep the permanency going for eternity. There's also the problem of getting the cube to NOT touch the side of the timestop spell before eternity is reached. The air and ground atoms will in time float away and touch the sides, but we need to keep the little pain in the ass from doing the same when the ground goes away. So now we need a levitate spell, another permanency and another limited wish. So far that 1 9th level spell, 2 8th, 2 7th, 1 5th and 1 2nd. Our 18 level dean can do it, but he will lose 2 points constitution and age 2 years (not to mention get some sort of metal or citation or grant from the school). That is IF the permanency works on the levitate and IF the limited wish works on the second permanency. THAT'S 5 IFS! And no, Rabbo cannot help. All the other spells will need to be cast within the timestop area, and that only effects the MU. So this is a big maybe, but well worth investigating BEFORE we stampede to a full wish spell in plan B. Lets call this plan A.2
What is plan A? Glad you asked! One of our up and coming Abjurers at the school was studying in alchemy class and began wondering if Moriamus's potion of time travel might be of some use here. She hoped that by converting the potion into an oil, that the new "Oil of Time Travel" might be put on the cube and when it reached infinity and "opened" the now pocket of real time would be send back to our present when the oil was places on the cube. This idea was eventually dropped when it was decided that the oil would need to remain active on the cube permanently, and the permanency spell does not work on potions or oils. The class was instructed to continue their studies and help find a way to improve on plan A.2, but the young woman was not dismayed. Her first class at the school was under Moriamus and the young woman was positive that Potions could solve all of our problems, cheaply and effectively. She secretly entered the restricted area of the library and began researching ways to make potions and oils permanent. What she discovered was Gorson Longtree.
Gorson was a member of the School during the days of the old Eaters of Wisdom. He was the youngest person to head the potions department in the school's history and his ambition knew no bounds. It was he that discovered that Unicorn horn makes a cheaper and easier to make potion of healing. He eagerness to explore new and alternate ingredients eventually led to the school insisting on him taking a sabbatical. He was furious, but agreed. When he returned a year later he claimed to have a slew of new recipes and ideas for improving potions. When he claimed the a better potion of longevity could be made from living elfin fetal tissue and extracting marrow from the foot bones of halfling children made an improved growth potion, the school was appalled. It was when he suggested breeding elves and halfling specifically for research that he was deemed insane, striped of his title and asked to leave. He produced a well of many worlds and opened it. "You fools," he said. "You have no idea what your small minds are giving up. I have created an oil of permanency!" He then produced a potion and began rubbing it over the well. "When you are ready to apologize and seek my forgiveness, this well will now permanently open to the same place." He entered the well and was seen walking away into a cloudscape world. The well was closed and placed in the closet of forbidden things.
So our young Abjurer, risking disciplinary action, brought this to the attention of her teachers. The possibility was discussed and the Dean himself opened the closet of forbidden things. The well was removed along with a note saying that a small group of students used the well 200 years ago and never came back. The well was opened. It did indeed lead to a cloudscape world. If this "Oil of Permanency" does exist and a quantity can be brought back to the school, it could solve MANY problems. Not just with the cube, but also with the production of magical items.
So here is the deal. If the party agrees to go through the well and retrieve some of this Oil of Permanency (At least 2 doses but hopefully more for the school), the school will agree to perform plan A free of charge. As well as supply you with what ever they can for the trip. If no oil can be brought back, the school will still perform plans A.2 & B for free.
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Thursday, April 24, 2008
In the Interim
(Spring 2008)
The Cube
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In the Interim (Spring 2008)
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