Also, gamewise, we might want to consider creating some new characters to play some of the other concurrent adventures that could be happening that don't necessarily involve the higher level members of the group. For example, if it is important that Rabbo and group go to Immer, but it is also important for another group to go the crater, and important for another group to visit the king of the dwarves, then we can split time up and run different groups.
Perhaps once we get a few diplomatic missions rolling, we can discuss what missions we can actually undertake with a chance of success, given our limitations. Perhaps people at the school could help supply us with a list of those kinds of things. Personally, I would love to go up against the Lepers, but not without disease protections, magical weapons, perhaps some high powered clerics or lots of potions to cure disease...that's if this leprosy is actually real leprosy, and not some magical effect caused by the leper god....
I think I could probably get in and out with the green box, crystals, cube, on a "secret" mission, by myself, or with Eyar, and or with a cleric....using god questions and psionics, I think I could construct a plan to sneak in and grab stuff. Maybe not.....either way, that wouldn't be much fun for the whole group. So, let me know what plans of action the learned people at the school suggest, or what the stewards of the Crystal Keep suggest.
As far as new characters go, I don't have any real problem with that. But what I would NOT want to do was try to keep track of two adventures going on at the same time. Per your example, if Rabbo and Eyar feel they need to go deal the king of Immer, you guys can roll up new characters and head out to find crystals with the kids. This would give them a chance to get up in levels to match you biggies, but the Rabbo/Eyar stuff would not be something we would play or get experience for.
There are things that need done that do not require the adventuring party (lets call this getting stuff done). Some things do require the adventuring party (lets call this getting shit done). I really don't want to run more than one "getting shit done" game within the same time frame. It would be simple enough to say that when Rabbo smashes the evil temple statue he unleashes the godlike plague of Super-yeast on the world, and then see how this effects any and all NPCs that are out there getting STUFF done. But its totally different when you have already finished getting shit done somewhere else and it SHOULD HAVE been effected. It would be like... last game way all "Hey Aphrodite! Can we have your huge tube of Vagasil?" "No Problem," she says. "It's not like there's a godlike plague of super-yeast going on." Now we gotta go back and redo all that.
Remember, you have a perfectly good ambassador at home. Feel free to send him and any other non-player out to do your bidding. Adam Kelly and a squad of men (with the new poof guns) just might make a REALLY good impression on the leaders of the military state of Muetar. Alexander is MORE than capable of negotiating passage/housing for the elves. Now the crystals at the crater in Rombune... There is where you sent some non-players to get some shit done and it didn't work. That's a problem. You don't always know if its stuff or shit that needs to get done. A good rule of thumb is, if it seems to be stuff, treat it like stuff until it turns to shit.
Example of apparent stuff that needs done
(no particular order):
Dealing with Immer
Dealing with Muetar
Dealing with Pon
Dealing with Shucassam
Census of and taxing the scum
Possible expansion outside the dome
Example of apparent shit that needs done
(* indicates most important):
Dealing with the cube*
Dealing with Elfland*
Dealing with lepers*
Dealing with crater (this ones 20 years old)
Finding EOW
Finding, rescuing, resurrecting old NPCs
Little Alex
Finding more crystals
Probably, the lepers are the least of the most important. The disease they carry can be both magical and non-magical. They are only now approaching the borders of Shucassam, so there is time here. But we really should get someone down there to talk to Shucassam so we just don't leave them hanging. It is an army of lepers so it would be best to have protection and weapons of magic before going in. Same with Elfland. The Schools suggestion of a small adventuring party was ALL of you guys. YOUR party and what ever non-player/s you wanted to take. It would definitely be better to go with magic stuff, so the most important shit to get done is the cube.
That I cover in another post.
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Wednesday, April 23, 2008
In the Interim
(Spring 2008)
Regarding New Characters & Missions
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In the Interim (Spring 2008)
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