Next, I think one of the things we should do if we are not already, is apprentice kids from the Crystal Keep and from the Huts to become M-U's at the Invisible School. Also, if the school isn't thinking like this, they need to be thinking as if they are preparing for war. It would be better to have 1000 M-U's who can each cast a couple of magic missles than an untrained mob who might be able to pick up clubs or pitchforks. And in the course of actively teaching new students, we'll find some who are really adept (new NPC's).
We should begin to utilize the school's pool of resources (simple spells on objects, charms, potions, continual light coins, etc) and create high demand items (black market or not, depending) to bring in money. In exchange for the service they provide, the school's apprentices get practice, and we provide protection and the adventuring muscle to advance the cause.
Not to worry. The School has ALL the new apprentices it can handle right now. (Thanks to the Eaters of Wisdom (eow)) The loss and destruction that occurred 15 years ago is just now being fully overcome and the school feels that now it is really back on its feet. They have ALWAYS been prepared for war. Before and now the school has, I think, 1000 troops ready. (Its Hard to see on the map, but I think the school has a 5 on it. That's a troop of 500 there and a similar value in the general hexes around the School.) But due to the loss, the troops are less experienced. The Keepers have helped out as much as they could and the end result is that the School is MUCH more helpful to you guys, but there is just not as much that they can do as they use to. As far as new NPCs FROM the school... not likely. The higher level guys are still training the lower level ones and the lower level ones are busy learning and training. The school is still pretty hard up. They will supply you with as much as they can (which aint much) including a buttload of hirelings. Hell, they will even let you have them on credit, but you gotta pay.
As to the school and items... Well right now the most important thing the school is focusing on is training in spellcasting. Yes, there are some simple items being created (scrolls and potions mainly) but not items so much. As you know, most items need the 'Enchant an item' spell and possibly the 'Permanency' spell as well. That requires a 12th and 16th level MU and they are in short supply and great demand right now. Not to mention that those spells can and DO drain constitution points... so, most item production has been put on hold. In the past the school could utilize the mirror to "change" magic items to fit what was needed. Now most of the Deans are gone and it simply cant be done. As for smaller items, the eow did try passing out trinkets when they did their trading and locating of underground movements. The problem is there is very little demand. Those people who would use such items still live in fear of being burned at the stake for even owning them. Small things are being made and stockpiled for later use. If you have any ideas on what to make other than scrolls and potions, let them know. They will look into it and again credit you if you guy can move any of it. Otherwise it will stay in storage until we get enough powerful wizards to activate the mirror again and start massing into REAL items.
In game terms, the school has had it's average level cut in half. This effects its army as well as its ability to do stuff for you. But unlike when you first met them, they are more than willing if they can. Basically, they are right behind ya buddy!
Special Note: Regarding continual light coins -- they are NOT permanent. The item that a continual light spell is cast on does eventually get used up. It may take hundreds or thousands of years depending on the material, but it does go away. Also, before he was killed, Toomonga declared a religious holiday to commemorate the merging of Alexander and his wife and the destruction of the Wand of Orcus. It took him and the glass blowers almost a year, but they did manage to create 300 glass vials filled with a continual light spell. These vials are worn around the neck on thin leather straps during the day of celebration, and hung on the tree of life that night. So, in one of the wearhouses you got a big box of all that. Not sure where the holiday fits on the calendar. Need to check the old notes for that time.
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Thursday, April 17, 2008
In the Interim
(Spring 2008)
Regarding The School
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In the Interim (Spring 2008)
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