The party is at the Invisible School of Thuamaturgy. The school is being sabotaged. The reflector is broken. We have to find the Faerie Queen in less than a month because she has a magic wand that can fix the reflector. We find out that Salem’s in cahoots with BH. The Oracle Skull is gone in permanent pop-out. Salem was the one that slashed Muad’ib up in Timestop. Moriamus, the magic user joins the party. We fly to Elfland. On the way, we notice that celestial music is coming from the Cube in the pouch of Destin. The Fortress side is glowing. We uncork the Fortress, and Rabbo comes out of the doors. He now has dice for eyes. Onward to the Elf City. we decide to go to the Lost Library for information about the locale of the Faerie Queen. Gargoyles are flying toward us. We do Sanctuary and land on an island in the lake. Rabbo has Cube now. We are trying to hide from the gargoyles on the island. Net drops on Rabbo, then Eyar 1. Taygo speaks to the centaur that has the net. Moriamus sets out to prove our magic to the centaur. Centaurs release Eyar and Rabbo. They take us to a place of safety---the centaur city, and small village called Stronghold. They offer to help. They take us to the old man in the forest. The old man says, “Black Hand,” to show us that the black cloud of gargoyles isn’t much of a threat in this protected place. The old man says the Queen has been captured and been taken to the underworld by the undead that Taygo unleashed in the Elvin Woods. Trees advance. We retreat. Go back to the centaurs. A satyr named Sim comes to lead us to the Queen. Satyr charms Driel and Eyar 1. Prince Thea is the Keepr of the Vol. The Underworld is in the Mires of the Sinking Kind. We see sparkles in a tree. M of some sort are attacking Destin. They are dragging him up the tree. Gets loose. We decide to check for crystals in the tree. Point Northeast. Rabbo gets message about the nearest crystal. A squirrel has the closest crystal---“he keeps it with his nuts.” It’s about a day’s carpet ride away. One hex right and below the Sacred Stones. We continue on to the Mires. We arrive. As the muck deepens, we decide to fly to the Sunken Towers. We go down in the first tower. Muck is getting deeper. A slithery thing drops on Taygo (giant constrictor). Rabbo kills giant snake. One jumps on Fred, and he kills it. Taygo steps on a skull in the muck. It is elven. Destin finds a hand with a ring on it, and finds the binding of a magic book. We decide to dump the book. The ring is magic. Rabbo finds the remains of 1 human and four elves, a wand, a scroll (transmute mud to rock) and a scroll tube. We go back up after finding no way into the Underworld here. We plan on looking into the next of the three towers. //
Rabbo kills Salem. Salem had the mark of BH on the back of his head. He could hear only out of the back of his head. We resurrect him. Driel says “black hand” while telling an update of events… Gargoyles attack. We run down into Tower 2. fly down the center of the tower. The entire place is covered in webs. We’re stuck! Work loose. We trip a magic mouth alarm. Rabbo decides to take Salem back to the School. This next part in the notes gets chaotic, because it sounds like two battles are going on at once---Rabbo and Salem teleport back to the school. Rest of party goes down on the stairs. Golems attack Rabbo and Salem at first. There are creatures at the bottom of the tower, according to Destin. Salem gets his dragon out, and a golem injures the dragon and it turns back into a figurine. Moriamus dispels web. Destin falls but catches himself. Meanwhile, Rabbo punches a big golem and takes him down 30 hp; We think that there are kobolds at the bottom of the tower. Salem fireballs golems. It seems that BH only affects Salem when he is asleep or unconscious. One golem grows from the fireball, while one seems unstable. Salem casts lightning bolt at them, but they grow again. Back in the tower, the stairs begin to collapse because there were rigged. Moriamus drops to neg. 3; Driel is at 0 hp (and is also invisible!) Eyar kills a bunch of kobolds. Rabbo and Salem pop back. Salem decides to go back to the school to get his dragon. Rabbo gets Taygo and flies down the center of the tower. Salem hasn’t popped back yet. He’ll have to wait about five rounds. Fred sucked up by floor, kobolds coming out everywhere. Salem back, but he doesn’t know exactly the length of his absence. Salem gets Driel back up by using his Keoghtum’s Ointment to heal her wounds. Eyar is up by Driel. There is a hole in the center of the tower. Rabbo, Taygo, and Salem go in. It’s a cave. Fred goes in too. Then the rest of us follow. We are in a corridor in an underground city. We discuss Taygo’s dream of Loth. We’re going through a mist. Beyond the mist is a real bad smell (methane). Salem blows the mist away. A wall appears at the end of the hall. Pass wall through wall. We can’t get all the way through. Fred scouts an area down a ladder and gets fireballed. We go into a cavern because we’re being sealed in. come to and cross a rope bridge cautiously. Destin hears a bell in the distance (behind a rock). Bridge collapses with Taygo, Rabbo, and Destin scouting it. The bell quit right before. Rabbo gets out the carpet and they fly down to examine the river below. Salem with them on his broom. Bridge was trapped. Rest of the party goes down on a carpet. Moriamus goes down on broom with Salem. We explore cave. Find an “up” corridor, and go up it. Find trail reptillian. Umber Hulk. Taygo light spells it in the eyes, but misses! Fred kills it. Salem takes a tusk. We go on and encounter 2 more umber hulks. This time in the fight, Fred fumbles his weapon!
Eyar, Rabbo, and Salem pop out. Test for crystal. Muad’ib pops in. Taygo scouts ahead. Finds room. Umber hulk in the room. Salem in. Fred, Muad’ib, Driel, Salem, Moriamus, and later, Destin venture into the tunnel. Taygo attacks monster, and “It’s pissed!” Fred kills it. Taygo cuts the umber hulk open and inside, it is sparkling. Salem is sparkling perhaps because he drank some of the water? Moriamus casts a detect magic spell and discovers the whole room is very magical. Destin is glowing because he stuck his face in the water. Salem dispels magic. We go on. Moriamus dispels Salem’s sparkles, and Salem dispels Destin’s glow. More magical water comes up from a spring. Get boat from Cube. Half of the party are on the boat, half on carpets, and the magic users are on the broom. Destin and Muad’ib are in boat. Taygo, Fred and Driel are on the carpet. Hear weird sound from behind. We come to a huge water-filled room with very tall ceiling. We go up about 200 feet and the ceiling is not yet in sight. We go up 200 feet more. We see the broken rope bridge again. We go to the other side. We find a cavern in a hall (rampart). There is a drow elf at the base of the spiral stairs. Salem turns invisible and goes down on his broom to check it out. There is another staircase and an elf. One elf almost webs Salem. He lightning bolts her. As she dies, an alarm sounds. Another elf comes to fight. Driel throws a silence spelled coin to keep her from spellcasting. Three armored dudes are coming down the rampart. They are stopped by Salem’s wall of ice spell. Destin fights an elf. Taygo tries to jump on her. Destin kills elf. Another magic user shows up and flame walls Moriamus, Fred, Driel, Muad’ib on the carpet. The carpet is okay. Taygo tosses coin of silence near the new elf. Taygo, Destin and Muad’ib attack elf. Destin killed another. More elves come up the stairs. Salem casts a web on an elf, and Taygo kills it. Driel pillages dead elf. Moriamus went down stairs earlier! Then Salem, then Taygo. Destin, with his ring of free action also goes down the webbed stairs. Destin kills another elf. Driel pillages other elf. A fireball comes from the webbed stairs. Go down other stairs, 200 feet to a library. Moriamus goes to a spinning, crystal ball in the center. Moriamus walks in the ball. Beams of light start hitting the books from the crystal. Taygo goes up to the ball, but there is nothing. Salem goes up to it, becomes visible, and looks in. There seems to be a path leading to BH. Salem saw Moriamus being tortured and BH enjoying it. Salem puts an ice wall around the crystal. Driel, with her helm, checks out the books. Stairs are sealed off, approx. 100 feet. Help book, pg. one and three. Next book. Alter Reality book in back pack. Moriamus and librarian book. She’s been trapped by Salem, but the school will help. Someone is with her. Moriamus helps us find book on Lori in the religion section. Directs us to six volumes about Alexander. Taygo takes these books. Driel looks into crystal (a reference device) and finds six Lori language books. Back into crystal. Five clerical spell books. Tomes Shelves open to secret passage. Salem and Driel find another room. Appears to be an alchemist’s lab. We poke around. Driel becomes a ferret. Destin gets Driel. Taygo becomes a white mouse. Muad’ib turns into a snake. Salem tries to dispel, and Driel returns to normal, but Taygo and Muad’ib are still animals. Salem’s limbs fall off! He dispels magic. We cross room, go through the door and look into a cavern. /
A new magic user pops in (Lawful Neutral). Driel has the Help book. We come to more mist. Ultravision debate. Eyars and Driel pass out in the mist. Fred and the new magic user grab them. Find rubble covering and blocking the stairway. We pass by the wall. Rabbo goes ethereal, and then Fred faints in the mist with the rest of the party. Taygo realizes that his dream is coming true. There is a spider in the mist. The lesser god of the kobolds is here, underground, like in Taygo’s dream. Salem goes to Taygo. Taygo is trying to kill the oncoming spider alone as in his dream. No one else can see the spider. Rabbo pulls Taygo away, but the spider follows him. Taygo tires to disbelieve. Taygo attacks the spider again! Taygo becomes a Fighter Again! Destin is being weird. Fireball shoots down the other hall. Salem absorbs it. Rabbo and Salem go to kill the magic users. Spider is getting bigger and its turning to stone. Kobold god is after Taygo. Destin is rubbing his groin on the ground? Taygo is now at -1 hp. Destin thought he was a slug because of random potion in the lab at the library. We are all in the cave. Driel heals Taygo. All in web except Taygo. Drow elf. Destin has a knife dipped in potion, comes back from elf and stabs himself! Drow elf does fireball. Rabbo disbelieves web. Fred and Driel can’t disbelieve web. Three more elves are coming. Possibly more illusions. Find room (Salem and the new magic user. Drow in room. Lightning hits people still in the hall. Salem casts a forget spell at a big drow. Drow elves are casting spells into black glass column. We attack. Fred gets dumb idea and pours a water breathing potion down Eyar’s throat. Salem webs the elves. Destin with his ring of free action, goes through the webs and kills the elves. Salem casts a shatter spell on the column of black glass. We heal the Eyars with an elixir of life. Rabbo kills Drow Queen. //
Eyar and Driel pop in late. Heal Rabbo and Taygo. Cube doesn’t work. The black column shatters. Dragon came up. Fred kills dragon, then falls into the pit. Fred dies. Salem gets Fred. We use timestop TWICE to heal Fred all the way up. Went down a passage, and found a concealed door. Led to a room with a throne and a bunch of drow elves. We kill a bunch. Salem flies over a force field and sits on the throne. Flame strike on Salem! Taygo has changed alignment to Lawful Neutral after reading the Alexander book. Salem hears swishes, but can’t see anything with his robe of eyes. We are thinking they are elementals. Salem falls to ground because Rabbo fires at the swishes with no effect. Destin goes up and wacks Salem on the head with a rod. Destin is knocked over by a swish. Salem dispelled on the swishes. Destin hits himself on the head with the rod. Sparks fly out and he’s down. Driel removes curse on Destin’s rod. Salem trades for Destin’s rod. Driel detects evil, and the rod is very evil. Salem points the rod at the throne. Driel performs remove curse on Salem. Salem puts the rod in his bag. He says that the wand wanted him to kill Rabbo. It made Destin hit Salem on the head. Salem tosses it down the pit. Salem and Driel save from a spell. Taygo scouts. Drow statue behind a barrier. Thunderbolt inside. Phase spider with drow rider. Drow statue stabs Fred. They kill her, and go down the hall. //
Thanos, magic user. Driel gets Rod of Absorption back from Taygo and green box back from Rabbo. Taygo uses last of healing drought. Fred tires to break a wall of force Destin found. Driel heals Fred’s wounds. Destin tries to dispel wall with a rod that up until now had only detected magic. His unknown ring glows blue and fades. Driel tries to dispel the wall three times. Rabbo and Thanos fo ethereal with Salem in the Orcus Garden in the Castle. Pop back. We’re attacked by archers. Salem gets ready to take Eyar and Driel ethereal. We go to the other side of wall of force. Fred down from a poison arrow. Other Eyar and monk taken ethereal. Drow are the archers. Coming down toward Taygo in the opposite hall from the wall of force. Salem fireballs drows and kills them. We are now all ethereal. Driel slows poison and heals Fred. Fred gets up! Destin walks into darkness-Driel’s coin no longer gives off light. We’re in a cave, and see drow and kobolds eating. We go back and try a different direction. We see drow bodies. We see 4 live drow talking. Illusionist fires wand of wonder. Something happens to Rabbo. Salem knows that he’s absorbed it somehow, but should not have. Drows have noticed us yet. Taygo attacks. After Taygo, Eyar, and Driel charge, the drows figure it out. The party decides to run toward a hall next to the drow. Rabbo seems to know where to go. Taygo runs past drow. We’re still ethereal. Salem hears a high pitched squeal from behind. He goes back to look. It’s a mouse running toward us. The mouse is squeaking Salem’s name. It’s a familiar. Salem can see and hear through the mouse’s eyes and ears. We’re all still ethereal. Muad’ib pops in and is ethereal, too (because the crystals are also ethereal) Rabbo says to go right at the next fork. Thanos zaps Salem with the random Zowie wand to recharge Salem’s staff. We see a room with several drow down the hall. Room seems to be a torture room. We decide to go in waving weapons to scare. We see some doors. We pick door on the left. Hall with doors. Taygo and Rabbo stick head through doors. Rabbo sees woman with burnt off legs. She’s been tortured. She’s milk white and her hair is silver. Taygo see the same thing. Rabbo and Taygo go in the room. They get their attention. Rabbo’s motioning to go away. She’s carrying a wand. Taygo is motioning to chains with her wand. Salem takes Taygo and Rabbo to the prime material plane. The Faerie Queen says that Rabbo and Taygo can’t save her. A female must take the wand and become the Queen of the Faeries. She must remain Queen of the Faeries until death. Destin fucks with a major fat drow. Salem goes ethereal to get Driel. She goes with into the Faerie Queen’s cell. Driel is back on the prime material. The Dark Queen of the Drow wants the wand. She wants Driel to be the next Faerie Queen. Must not let mortals touch the wand. Must protect and live for the Faeries. This responsibility may interfere with being a cleric. Driel becomes the Queen. Never forget the magic of our race---in human form, be always fair and kind, brave and bold, and soon the two will mesh. There is a bluish explosion, and the old Faerie Queen turns into a spot of vapor. We go ethereal. Salem gets Driel and Taygo to the school. Now in the prime material. Rabbo, still in the dungeon, fires at drow elves and kills a bunch. Rabbo tells everyone to go to the school. Driel and Taygo and Salem walk towards the school. Everyone on the ethereal plane goes towards the school. Rabbo dimension walks to the school. Muad’ib, Fred, Thanos, Destin, and Eyar 2 all are now out of the underground. Eyar 1 is still missing, stuck there for awhile. Back at the school, good ol’ golems. Salem tries to teleport us to the school. That group ends up on a large crater below, with a cave behind. We hear booming laughter. It’s an efreeti. Efreeti has statue of Eyar. We leave. Back at the school. IN THE TOWERS: In the underground city. Monk lights fire and disappears. Fred, Muad’ib, Thanos, and Eyar 2 head for the Invisible School of Thuamaturgy. Fred disappeared. Driel asks wand its powers. It restores her health completely. Driel says “destroy golem,” and it glows warmly and makes her feel perturbed. It does the same thing when she asks it to defend here and her friends. Salem flies with Driel over the golems and Taygo stays to fight (When Salem slept last game, he was bound tightly, and nothing bad happened). Driel asks to be let in the school, and feels embarrassed. She is not really acting like the Queen of the Faeries. Destin is in a strange white castle. Someone speaks to him telepathically. He tells it he’s a god. It chuckles. It’s captured by the cloud king. It says it will help Destin if he frees him. So Destin does. It’s a Ki-rin. He hops on and they fly off. It flies him to the school. Driel heals Taygo with the wand. Her skin is pale and her hair is turning lighter. Can’t turn a golem with the wand. Driel tries to command golem. Beams come out of the wand and the golem falls over. So far, it heals and directs commands. Driel is changing in the Faerie Queen. Back to Destin. he finds Fred and saves him. Ki-rin tells Destin that Rabbo’s not in range and Eyar is also not in range. They are either south of Troll wood or east of the forest of Lurking. Driel commands the golems to halt, but only one falls. Driel invokes the spiritual hammer through the wand. The wand gives her a weird feeling. She says Halt again. The wand gets angry when Driel commands the golems to die, but misses the mark and kills some grass. Next try, the grass stands upright, and the now halted golems stop quaking. Taygo kills golem. Destin with help from the Ki-rin find and tows Eyar 1, Muad’ib, and Thanos. Wand of Rulership?? Tell Golems to fight approaching golems. All are killed except one under Driel’s command. The Ki-rin gets us all to the prime material, on top of the shield and leaves us. Rabbo made a right turn at Albequerque and got lost dimension walking. Ki-rin pops off to get Rabbo. Rabbo brings him to the top of the shield. School finally lets us in. Flame hand has Salem taken off to be cured.
At the invisible School. Eyar 1 is still missing. We turn over some of the books to the folks at the school: book 1: Index to the other 5; book 2: Defines the Religion (and changes alignment of those who read it); Book 3: discusses law and order of the universe (sacred text); book 4: Discusses the life and rights of all living things; book 5: on fighting skills; book 6: (most powerful) on the duties of Alexander’s clerics. When Taygo read those books, it changed his alignment, increased his experience, and changed his class to fighter/cleric. Meeting at the school. Salem is hovering 5 feet off the ground in a glowing red cube. He is an almost exact replica of Salem which has a second subconscious that takes over whenever he is asleep. We can never leave him alone, or turn our back on him. BH isn’t watching directly, but is spying. Wand won’t do anything evil. It’s chaotic good, of some kind but unknown intelligence. Wand serves the Queen. We’ll need to check with Faeries to find out more about the wand. Driel hasn’t changed any more since she entered the school. This change could cause problems with her religion. Golems are coming and going, possibly through gate. Lich was controlling them. We had something to do with their arrival. Salem is a spy for BH. The Salem construct has something from the original. We intend to try to get the medic to fix him. Rabbo asks about letting us in and knowing about Eyar 1. Our stuff has been energized by the school’s magic. Entrance spell. When all our items are in 50 feet of the dome opening. If something is missing or not in our plane, it will open, but if he’s restrained or unconscious. School agrees to give Eyar 2 a location device to find Eyar 1. Barter. Weird rifle is gone from the fortress. Rabbo still has hippogriff coin. Hilt, maces, weird gun, balls, gone from the fortress. Salem’s blue dragon is now a black dragon. Possible BH effect. Taygo set up worship place in the Invisible School. Eyar 2 gets Jerik. Party stuff: Carpets, to Driel and Taygo. Sword of Law is at the Lori temple teaching religion. We get the medic out. Compare old and new Salem. Brain waves operate differently. Untested shock wave therapy on Salem. Didn’t work. Rabbo gets genie through the crystal to get an original bone from Salem. The genie says, “One does not exist.” Gods of destiny and leaders of fate at Temple of Kings. We need to see them if we expect to get Salem back. //
The guys go out to fight golems (Fred, Destin, Rabbo, Taygo, and Maud’ib) Driel is taken to a big room (the council of wands) to fix the reflector. It is an artifact. Driel does many experiments with the wand. First, she grew a daisy from an elm seed, and then willed it to change into a rose. She talked to the daisy and to a ferret. She commanded a dead cat to live, but the wand only felt sorrow. Tried to will a shape change. No go. Tried to talk with a warg, but the wand only felt hatred and sorrow, but no response from the wolf. Tried to change the warg’s alignment to good, no go. She smashed a vase, and commanded it to mend, sorrow, misunderstanding. She pictured the vase coming back together, and there was a short burst of faerie dust, and as she touched the pieces, they danced up on each other, and came together, but with many cracks. Tried to think of it without the cracks and touched it, (misunderstanding, sorrow and wanting). She told a piece to move away, it jumped and danced to Driel. Driel thinks about each crack melting into each other, and touches---nothing. It won’t hold water. She asks wand to show her what it wants and needs, and faerie dust came out, it glowed slightly, and pulled her towards a door. The council follows. Goes to a local tavern. People there are drinking and listening to music. Wand feels excitement and expectation. She sings to the wand, sings “King of Pain” There is a blast of light and sorrow, hurt, unbelief. Suddenly, it gets darker. BH is attacking. Guys fight golems. All are attracted to Rabbo. After Taygo casts invisibility to undead. No, some converge on Taygo also. A BIG one comes and attacks Rabbo. Thanos sends five shadows after the big golem and they converge on his arm, which turns black, although it still seems to be under the golem’s control. Rabbo kills the big golem and shadows disappear. Sun dims out! Eclipse. Back to Tavern, Driel sings opposite King of pain but the wand sends mixture of emotions, great fear depression, and confusion. Black amorphous cloud like creatures with silver linings and sparkles are flying and moaning up in the sky. Driel tires another rhyme and the wand feels happy. Rabbo gets carpet out. The sun is back to normal. Wails and moans sound more painful and they start falling. Driel makes a rhyme to get rid of the golems and passes out with faerie dust all over her body. When she wakes up she’s Neutral Good. The golems fade and go away. Small black holes have appeared in the sky and the black things are going through them. The mages take Driel to the infirmary. The guys arrive back inside. Salem swallowed a crystal that puts him the red cube every time he enters the shield. Sword requests a meeting with Taygo. Driel has milk-white skin, golden bronze hair, and liver eyes with green flakes. Driel wakes up and wand feels sorrow, fatigue, and hunger. Driel prays, and receives a vision. Her path is forked. One path leads to the Elysium Fields, in which Ishtar resides, and the box on that path said, “Wand.” The other path led to Elfland with a box that said “All else.” The boxes are like toll boxes. She feels out of touch, with the party, feels lonely, doubting her religion, humans annoy her. Taygo goes to talk with the Sword of Law. He was told not to return to the temple until he redeems himself. Everyone goes to fix the mirror. They take us to the basement to a huge lecture hall. Sit down and flamehand draws back a curtain. There is a huge mirror, 50 by 50 ovaloid, around the sides inlaid with very sparkly gems. 30 ft cracks go up one side. Driel says rhyme. With Rabbo’s help. After she touches it, it fires, but all of the gems fade. Upstairs, there is pandemonium. The screen is down. The wand feels uselessness, hunger, sorrow, loneliness. Flamehand gives Rabbo small mirror, and stones (small pebbles). Rabbo timestops and asks where their stuff is. Flamehand says that the reflector feeds on the gems, and the reflector must have been dying, it hadn’t been using as many gems. Massive energy used to repair the mirror and possibly starved the gems. Mirror and pebble are ways to contact the wagons
Rabbo tries to call a genie to help us with the reflector. It works. Noble Genie appears and grants Rabbo’s wish. “Permanently recharge reflector.” Supplies full complement of gems and information about location of most powerful gems on the plane. Mirror is now fixed. School’s okay. Crater of the Punishing Star near Rombune is the location of the gems. Large meteor made a crater during the cataclysm. near Paros (iron, precious gems and industrials. Rabbo uses crystal knowledge and lucky guess to find its location. Temple of the Kings may be able to cure Salem. Crystal information: small hut, closest to school, rolling hills at the source of a little river. Above Tatafat, source of the river Ebbing. We go to kill golems that are inside the school. Gave back the communication pebble and lense. 7 small golems and one big one are tearing down buildings and attacking people. Lich shows up ethereal with Rabbo, we don’t see it. Rabbo pops back to prime material, and the lich doesn’t follow. It’s a minor Death. Skeletons show up. Salem pops in. Fred kills big goelm. Rabbo attacks Minor Death. Killed it. Rabbo goes ethereal. Drops crystals and Cube. Senses psionic presence deep in ethereal. Lich. Rabbo attacks with psionics---kills it. There’s still a presence only weaker. It attacks. There seemed to be a bunch of psionics grouping in the ethereal. Destin picks up cube and crystals. Two fighters (paladins) and 3 magic users show up from the school to help us. Fred killed little golem. Something we are unaware of happened to Rabbo on the ethereal plane. Paladin heals Driel. Eyar kills golem. Destin kills golem. Driel kills golem. There is nothing on the ethereal plane now. We leave through the top. The school detected an ethereal gate that opened while the shield was down, and closed before the fight was over. We are headed out for the closest crystal. Get $ out of bucknard’s purse and put in green box. We arrive at the hut. Destin goes up and knocks. Jerik uses its clairaudience. Man sleeping inside, so Destin creeps in. Jerik, locate object. Eyar finds bag with 4 gold 3 gems and the crystal (#46). There are empty bottles and the place smells like 503 Hayes after a party. A boulder hits Salem. A dwarf giant shows up with another boulder in his hand! 12 foot tall dwarf, black skin, fire red hair, etc. Salem is killed after fireballing the dwarf-giant and the dwarf giant tosses the second boulder at him. Driel Driel neutralizes poison on drink and wakes him. Rabbo asks his name, Henry. He keeps puking. He’s a wine maker. He does some stuff when we tell him about the giant. Fred killed the giant. Fills up a bucket with river water and changes it to wine 9 Maybe the influence of the crystal or Demeter, his god). Can occasionally make ale. Giant wanted wine or maybe ale. Destin joins crystal. It emanates white light and then goes back to normal. Apparently no effect on Destin. The school taught the winemaker how to turn water into wine. We’re off to Stubstaff Keep. Before we leave, we do the arrow thing again. “In a cave in a coffin filled with evil.” Next crystal info. Due east from the mouth of the Ebbing river.//
As we open this game, Eyar, Destin and Salem are in pop out. We’re off to Stubstaff Keep. Thanos learns how to fly the carpet. Driel misses “Eve’s Curse” and is worried. It’s been one month and one week since the incident with the satyr. Taygo is staring transfixed into the sun. Thanos shakes him and he comes out of it, but he knows something. The sword has spoken to him. To save himself he must find Toomonga, in the Village of the Yando rivermen. Muad’ib remembers him from before, when he was part of the party before the current party. Toomonga is a cleric. So, we decide to stop and look for him when we get there. Muad’ib notices that there’s a big black shape blotting out the sky. It puts off not heat (Maud’ib uses his infravision). It’s going west. Thanos, Mauad’ib, and Rabbo go to check it out. Driel, Fred, and Taygo go on to agreed landing point. It begins to come down so they go up. It dives, generates lots of wind, looks like a big cigar. It lanced Rabbo with an incredible burst of negative energy which knocked him down 3 levels! It is void of psionics. It seems to be from up close, just a giant glob of blackness. Thanos lightning bolts it and it dives. Can’t see it anymore. they land and search for it. They decide to go on and meet Driel, Dred, and Taygo. Rabbo takes the green box, gives Driel the Cube, and goes to the river Ebbing by dimension walk to get the cleric to restore his levels. Driel’s wand feels like it is dying. Driel thinks it may need to go back to Elfland. About five hours after Rabbo leaves, something (undead dragon) grabs the carpet with Muad’ib and Thanos. Thanos lightning bolts it after it bites the carpet. Taygo can’t turn it. So, Driel, Taygo and Fred turn around to come around behind it. It comes at us and it hits Fred with a black lance (breath weapon) and Fred falls off the carpet. Driel goes invisible and continues around. It spits a lightning bolt at Thanos and he dies. Muad’ib’s (he’s now 5th level) carpet is unraveling. He dives to catch Fred. Dragon flies off to the West. The dragon disappears about a ¼ mile away from us. Muad’ib’s carpet shreds as he grabs Fred and they all fall. Driel and Taygo goes to catch them. They catch Fred and Maud’ib. Fred has black eyes. Taygo catches Thanos. Taygo flies carpet. Driel doinks Thanos. Fred is tied up by Taygo and Muad’ib. He’s dead, but wakes up and groans. He’s undead. Driel tries to turn him with no luck. Fred breaks ropes and stands up. Thanos lightning bolts Fred and he falls off the carpet. We land. Fred is up. Driel rolls up the carpet. Thanos lightning bolts him again. He falls in the portable hole and we close it. We take carpet and fly to meeting point.//
Back to Rabbo: Arrives at hut and goes in and wakes up cleric. He pukes. He can’t help, he’s only third level, so Rabbo was going on to Port Lork. //
Back to party: We arrive at the meeting place. We open the portable hole, but had forgotten that we had one partially used potion of healing which had broken open and partially dissolved Fred into a puddle of goo. Rabbo arrives back, still down. Dragon is here again. Taygo does invisibility to undead spell. No one is afraid. Thanos fireballs it and Rabbo opens up the portable hole and jumps in. Dragon goes for Taygo and he light spells its eyes, but it didn’t work. Driel blesses decanter. The dragon breathes frost on the party as it passes. Thanos and Driel are down. Driel is still invisible. The dragon circles and lands. Rabbo kills the undead Fred. Muad’ib glances a bolt off the dragon. Rabbo closes the portable hole. Muad’ib hits it with a small crossbow bolt on the neck. Rabbo decides to eat. It black lances Muad’ib. He’s dead. It black lances Taygo. Rabbo doesn’t see the dragon. Taygo is now a 0 level cleric and 2nd level fighter. Muad’ib is a 0 level fighter and now has black eyes. Taygo runs up to it. Rabbo kills Muad’ib (undead?) Taygo attacks dragon, and the dragon completely muffs his attack. Taygo attacks again, and finally Taygo kills the dragon as it was attempting to take off. As it falls to earth, it lands on Driel. Taygo tries to get Rabbo to see the undead dragon. He finally sees it. They get healing stuff and raise Driel. Driel tries to cure insanity on Rabbo. Muad’ib is undead and comes toward us. Rabbo attacks. Rabbo takes cube and gives Driel the green box. Dinked Thanos again. A light spell shows up behind the dragon’s eyes. Everyone but Taygo goes in timestop. Taygo is staring at the dragon. We try to call Galbreth’s rod of resurrection through the green box. It causes Driel pain to hold it. Driel sets it down. Taygo seems mesmerized like when he was looking into the sun and when Rabbo shakes him he has the same message, then the light spell goes out. Taygo takes the rod of resurrection. He touches Fred and there’s a poof and a bright light and black vapor comes out and the rod disintegrates. Fred is fine except that he freaks when he sees the dragon. It dissolves when Driel pours water on it. Rabbo tries to dominate Fred to get him away from the dragon. He does. Driel creates water over the dragon and then blesses the area and the dragon says, “One of many” and then dissolves. Rabbo tires to activate timestop and it doesn’t work. We throw Muad’ib’s body in the portable hole with healing potions and head out to find Toomonga. Because of lance, Fred is at 0 level. We are walking to the Yando rivermen’s village. It’s a population of about 250, at most, very small village. Huts up on stilts, with ropes hanging down. As we approach, about a hundred people all run around us. They are excited to see us and lead us to Toomonga. Everyone shuts up as we approach a certain hut. An old guy comes up, he looks thoughtful when he smiles. Everyone cheers when he says, “Let the visitors be welcome!” He drops a rope to the hut and Taygo asks if we should all climb up. We all climb up after Taygo gives a signal. He pulled up the rope and goes in his hut. His altar seems to indicate that he is a sun worshiper. He’s always thinking. He asks Taygo why he came. Taygo and Rabbo try to explain. He takes out a gourd and light comes out, Taygo takes out his holy symbol. Tells us not to speak rivertalk. Toomonga makes Driel and Thanos go outside because the need no healing. He restores everyone. We go out and party and Toomonga and Taygo talk. Rabbo, Driel, Muad’ib and Thanos trip! We take off for Stubstaff Keep. After extracting a promise from all of us not to hinder Taygo, he gives us a crystal (#78). It increased Taygo’s charisma. Crystal info: An old craggen wood (desert like brush forest) in a spider sac in a spider web high in the trees---in the Thorn Flats, 4 hexes from Yando, SE. /
New character, Random, from the land of Amber (he is Neutral Evil) pops in. We set out for Stubstaff. 5 days travel. 350 (copper, elec, and platinum). Taygo has another vision at dawn. “After the fall of the Knight, the tree of life will restore all. To restore the tree of life, claim the staff and night will end forever, the circle of stone holds the…/ Thanos does invisibility, 10 ft radius with the zowie wand on the carpet. /Toomonga, with the walking stick of Alexander, Driel and Destin go to scout the keep and Salem pops in. The gates are not intact. Catapult in each tower. Ballista. Lots of oil around. 10 five story dorm type buildings. big white object lots of men laying down. Piles of dead people near the gate. We go and get some large sticks and the area smells back ???(its in the notes!) We go back to report. Another day passes. We camp and plan to attack at dawn. Rabbo sacrifices boots of striding and springing. “Now is the time of the neverending night. I have spoken, you will remember. The life of the night comes from the staff and the power of the night. The night must fall before dawn arrives and after the fall of the night…” this is the extent of Taygo’s vision at dusk. Destin called a giant eagle. He’ll stick around until dawn. Driel call portable hole through the box. Sam “penis breath” Eagle. Protection from Undead scrolls read by Thanos and Detection of Magic from Driel. Salem flies up and opens portcullis. Everything is magical, at least as Driel sees it. Thanos casts detect illusion, but there is not illusion. The place is very cold and smell bad!!!. Destin pulls one of the mysterious dead guys outside and detects magic. It can’t be dispelled. We enter Stubstaff Keep. We go through the gate. The keep is made of black granite. Through doors of black marble, with white marble skulls with pits of fire. We see old gross black tree. Detect magic again, same result! Rabbo object reads on a dead major guy, who leaves the impression that he had a lot of anger for having his meal disturbed. Then, “alarm sounding, not a drill; confused about explosion; which general is in charge and where is he?” try to get something about his death. Skull: white marble; ditch down from jaw with flames. Room inside skull room: 2 pots of oil, slots in floor, boxes, a couple full quivers of arrows, 10 dead guys, magical aura, glass bottles, and rags, a trap door with steps down. Salem takes two glass bottles. Random finds the shit house (one of the small huts). Rabbo uses psionics to find out the location of the Black knight. He is on the ethereal plane. Rabbo uses psionics to determine the quickest route to the staff. The tree is frightening Toomonga. Rabbo uses timestop on the Cube to regenerate his psionics. “Route to staff: Underground and Under Skull.” Skull jaw comes down when Destin cut some ropes and quenches fire, and we see the passage. We go into skull. Smells like petroleum. Rabbo uses psionics again for route. Underground, and forward. See throne in room we come to. Investigate door. Salem opens door. There are dead generals. Find some helpful papers on running the keep. Rabbos uses psionics: Which door? //
When Toomonga gives holy symbol and light comes out of it and touches Eyar, she is granted special knowledge of the Keep. The lich that was on the ethereal plane the last time Rabbo was fighting at the Keep killed everyone. He has made the magic user and cleric here a minor lich. The Black Knight has been following Rabbo on the ethereal plane. The knight is at first level. He goes into a circular room to rejuvenate. 3 feet into the wall in circular room. If we destroy knight liches will return and 200 dead bodies will rise. Call wand of zowie out of the Box. Head for circular room to find the staff. Eyar “locates object” using Jerik, but the staff is proofed against location. Rabbo uses psionics. We enter kitchen and Eyar and Jerik look for trap door in the corner. Rabbo checks a door on the south wall of the kitchen. Seems to be another dining area. Eyar finds secret door in the new room hall leading to throne. Same throne as thief and monk examined before. We go down stairs. Food storage. Taygo goes down north door, Muad’ib checks east door. Taygo finds a large room with 3 doors and the North wall and one on the east, one on the west, and a Lich! Taygo closes the door. Muad’ib finds a room with one door on the west, two on the east, and shelves with scrolls. We get ready to attack the lich. Protection from Evil cast on Driel and Fred. Rabbo busts door open. Protection from Evil on Eyar by Driel. Salem teleports in invisibly. Fred runs in and then Eyar behind him. Lich does blade barrier on Fred and in front and Eyar. Eyar goes through and so does Fred. Eyar is paralyzed, so is Rabbo and Fred. Destin is dead because of word. Rabbo tries to dominate the lich and can’t. Fred is deaf because of word. Driel does silence on coin but can’t get it through the blade barrier. Salem teleports out in to the food storage room. Muad’ib runs in. Fred kills lich.? A door opens and a duplicate lich comes out and attacks Fred. Fred disappears. Taygo dispels Driels’ spells and lich spells. Muad’ib attacks the lich. Resurrect Destin. Eyar teleports and attacks lich. In a puffof dust, the lich disappears and rematerializes in the door way. He touches Muad’ib and he is reduced to 0 hit points. Taygo can’t turn it. Toomonga attempts to turn the lich. Rabbo hits the lich with one of his stars and kills it. We rifle through the lich’s stuff and find a ring (_________). Toomonga dispels Salem’s paralyzation. As soon as Destin took the ring off the lich, it disintegrates. When Destin tries on the ring we respect him more. It is a ring which enhances charisma (cha: 18). Salem passwall’s floor 13 times. Nothing. Room where the lich was killed is a bed chamber. Head butler’s quarters. Rabbo finds another room with a guy and two girls dead in an intimate situation. Eyar finds a way down. Through a hall, find stairway down. Find a big room. Destin jumps in smelly stuff and starts to dissolve. Acid. Salem checked out altar and is now running around like a mad man. Salem jumps in a small pit, and comes up on his broom, covered in shit. Driel gives an elixir of life to Destin. Salem makes shit angels. Heal Destin with healing draughts. Salem dinks him with the staff of curing. He falls on the altar. He knocked over some figurines. A Cyclops covered in goo comes out of the acid pit. It’s Spollys??? Salem thought of him just before he appeared. Rabbo was mesmerized by the altar, Driel pushes him over. Salem lightning bolts Spollys and it grows about one foot. Rabbo attacks Driel, and she hits him with a staff. Salem looks at the altar and goes nuts again. Driel blesses the altar. And then, Driel gave Rabbo a blow job renounced her Faith, and became a streetwalker. Taygo smashing figurines. Spollys figure shrinks. Taygo gives Salem ½ elixir of health. Taygo and Toomonga consecrate the altar. Toomonga cleans everyone off with create water. Find a lounge with three doors. second door: Two dead people fucking. North wall door: torture room. SW Door, same as the SE. Secret door in torture room. Poison trap sprung by Driel. Salved and Keoghtum’s Ointment. Room is in range! Destin trips lightning glyph and dies. Salem trips additional glyph and is unconscious. Toomonga raises dead on Destin. Driel finds and gets Salem up. We continue on following Jerik to circular room. Black things fly around us---two on Salem, 2 on Driel, and one on Muad’ib. Come to tapestry and Salem flame walls it. Find room that is on fire. Driel and Toomonga pass out from smoke. Find another secret door with Jerik. Toomonga and Driel come around. Toomonga does precipitate. Eyar in the circular room poison dagger. Destin dodges another. Salem pops behind him and distracts him. Salem is down. Driel does hold person on Black Knight but he dispels it. Clerics attempt to combine and try it again on the Black Knight. The Black Knight attacks Destin and knocks him out. Toomonga holds the Black Knight. Rabbo shoots him dead, but the Knight’s ethereal intelligent armor takes him to the ethereal plane. Toomonga begins to cast locate object. Eyar heals Salem, and Rabbo goes ethereal. Black Knight is still held. Salem takes Muad’ib ethereal, but on the way, pops to Zards and decapitates Muadib and leaves his head at the tower. Rabbo removes helmet and rips his head off, and tears him to bits from the inside out. Salem disintegrates armor with the wand of zowie. We all come back to the prime material. Toomonga regenerates the Black Knight. Taygo finds and claims the staff and kills the Knight. Taygo’s holy symbol is glowing again. Toomonga helps Muad’ib and Rabbo checks for BH marks, but he is okay. Taygo puts the Staff back. Heal up and take off to battle liches. Find secret doors that are a quick way up. Rabbo goes ethereal and sees lich. Comes back and begins to prep for the lich fight. Driel gives silence coin to Rabbo. Monk, Rabbo, Taygo, Eyar, and Toomonga go to meet the Lich of Fire. Muad’ib and Driel cover the party’s back. Salem joins forces with the liches in the zombie fight. Salem teleports to behind the party, out of the silence, and casts fireball; Rabbo dies. Destin’s okay, Taygo’s fine, Eyar hurt bad, Driel and Muad’ib at half damage. Toomonga heals Rabbo. Eyar goes into room where Destin is fighting lich. Driel and Muad’ib charge Salem who has been held by Taygo. Muad’ib kills Salem. Eyar hits lich (zombie wish) Other lich shows up. Eyar kills another lich. Wish for duplicate ethereal of mirror at school and Rabbo goes into timestop to get psionics back, gets crystals, then before we get the chance Flamehand shows up and steps through the mirror. Sends shardenzar, who is part nymph, to be liason. Toomonga does a glyph on each of the entrances. We bring Salem back. Salem touches glyph and is teleported to outside the keep. The Crystal Keep! Divided into 10 shares.//
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Tuesday, April 15, 2008
Fall of 1987...Back to SIU after summer break!
1987 game,
Game Notes,
The Crystal Quest
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